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Product Spotlight: Meristem Farms’ Hemp Smokes

Purple background with white open pack of craft hemp smokes  with green lettering and green logo.  Orange and turquoise leaves pop out from behind the pack
Why you should choose hemp smokes over cigarettes. 

If you’ve ever tried hemp products in any form, you’ve probably experienced some of the benefits associated with it. Relief, peace of mind, happiness, focus … the list goes on.

When it comes to achieving the benefits of smoking hemp, hemp smokes are an excellent way to consume hemp, as they offer an alternative to cigarettes, and are easy to consume. 

In this blog we’ll go over the benefits of choosing hemp smokes over cigarettes, and why the organic components of Meristem Farms’ products are preferred across the country.

What are Hemp Smokes?

At Meristem Farms, we have created a chemical-free, organically-farmed, alternative to tobacco cigarettes: hemp smokes. Our hemp smokes look and feel like real cigarettes but are made without tobacco and nicotine. With 25 mg of CBD per smoke, you will experience an almost instant sigh of relief. 

 The hemp used in our smokes is not mass produced industrial hemp that you may find at many farms today; our hemp is harvested in Northern Vermont’s crisp October air when the plant’s aromatic terpenes are at their highest. After our hemp plants are harvested, we air-dry the plant, which allows for the characteristic terpenes (aromas) and cannabinoids to bring countless benefits to you. When the cannabinoids and terpenes work together, they are more powerful and effective than when they are isolated, also called the ‘entourage effect’.   All Meristem Farms products are full-spectrum, meaning our products contain all the original compounds found in the plant; cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. Full-spectrum products preserve as much of the chemical diversity as possible.  And, because you are decarboxylating, which simply means heat is being applied to make the healing compounds bioavailable for your body to intake, your daily dose is direct, powerful, immediate plant action.   

Hemp Smokes When Quitting Smoking

In the United States, over 34 million adults still smoke cigarettes. While this number is down substantially from years past, it’s still outrageously high, especially considering the many negative effects linked with smoking tobacco, such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, lung disease, tuberculosis, bronchitis, and more (1).

Hemp products are a great way to replace smoking tobacco and limit the feelings of withdrawal associated with quitting smoking. 

Our products go directly from our fields to your fingertips and while they are made with no fillers, no pesticides, and are non-GMO, you still get the smoking experience you would with cigarettes, but with no negative side effects. One of the main reasons that people continue smoking cigarettes when trying to quit is the nagging feelings of withdrawal. From irritation to restlessness,  jumpy feelings to cravings, trouble sleeping, anxiety, and depression, it’s no wonder many people cannot get over the hurdle of breaking the nicotine habit.. 


Added Benefits

Our hemp smokes can help to treat, cure, or prevent withdrawal feelings. As they reduce anxiety, help you fall asleep, and bring a sense of calmness to your day, many people looking to quit smoking have found relief. Hemp is known to be a non-addictive product (2) so it is unlikely that you’ll switch from a tobacco addiction to a hemp one. While many people smoke hemp often because of the benefits, there are no known addictive ingredients that cause this. People have simply decided to incorporate hemp into their daily routines for a happier and healthier lifestyle.


Many customers love the soothing aspect of hemp smokes, which is the exact opposite feeling you get from smoking cigarettes. One customer said, “Great smokes for relaxing. I gave up tobacco years ago, but can smoke these without fear of addiction. A carton lasts a while — the smokes are good quality and even one makes a difference.” Take it from current users, smokable hemp is a great alternative to smoking cigarettes and it allows you to live a tobacco-free life. 

The Bottom Line

While smoking CBD hemp cigarettes can’t counteract or prevent any disease caused by years of using tobacco products, you may see health benefits across the board once you replace your tobacco with hemp or CBD content. Meristem Farm’s organically grown hemp can help to rebalance your endocannabinoid system (ECS) which helps your body function correctly, control pain, stabilize your mood, energy levels, and more (3). The calming effects can help your mind and body to relax, feel better, and function correctly.

If you’re looking to transition from tobacco to hemp or CBD products, Meristem Farms is your answer. Take a look at all of the organic hemp products we create, from hemp smokes to CBD lip balm, hemp-infused CBD coconut oil, hemp pre-rolls, and so much more, we’re here to help you live a happier and healthier life.

Click here to shop our hemp smokes!