The code is: DIAL-A-VIBE to catch a discount on pre-rolls only for a fabulous start to 2025!!

Our Varieties

Meristem Farms' products are derived from our unique cannabidiol-rich plants we have developed over the years, featuring sophisticated terpene profiles that deliver a distinctive entourage effect when smoked or consumed in other whole-resin formulations.



A beefy, upright plant with sparkly flower forming grass green pillars.

Variety: MF18CH19 (R4 x Harley-Tsu x Harlequin)

Analysis: CBD 6.16-18.79%, CBD:THC Ratio 28:1
2021 Analysis: 17.2% CBD approximately
Aroma/Flavor Notes: lilac, mint, basil
Flowering Time: 7-9 weeks
Harvest Season: Mid September – Mid October
Intention: Patience

Try Charlequin™ in a Patience Hemp Pre-Roll or for wholesale flower orders inquiry with



Cucumber Diesel™

A stocky, upright plant with dark purple flower forming long, slender colas.

Variety: MF18LV19 (Cherry Wine x Hindu Kush/BaOx) 
Analysis: CBD 7.77-12.94%, CBD:THC Ratio 26:1

2021 Analysis: 12.3% CBD approximately

Flavor Notes: Cucumber, celery, watermelon, diesel
Flowering Time: 7-9 weeks
Harvest Season: Mid September – Mid October

Intention: Tranquility

Try Cucumber Diesel™ in a Tranquility Hemp Pre-Roll or for wholesale flower orders inquiry with


Merlot Frette™

Specially selected cold-hardy phenotype of the popular Merlot hybrid, is a stocky, upright plant with dense, well-spaced colas.

Variety: MF18ME19 (Cherry Wine x Berry Blossom) 
Analysis: CBD 4.05-14.35%, CBD:THC Ratio 26:1

2021 Analysis: 15.1% CBD approximately
Aroma/Flavor Notes: citrus, cocoa, cherry
Flowering Time: 7-9 weeks
Harvest Season: Mid September – Mid October
Intention: Mirth

Try Merlot Frette™ in a Mirth Hemp Pre-Roll or for wholesale flower orders inquiry with




Ruby Hamsa™

A lanky plant with thin leaves and smooth stalks with large spacing in between branches and colas.

Variety: MF18JM19 (Lebanese landrace x Cherry Blossom)

Analysis: 22.9% CBD approximately
Aroma/Flavor Notes: robust spice, cedar, pine
Flowering Time: 7-8 weeks
Harvest Season: Mid September to Mid October
Intention: Presence


For wholesale flower orders inquiry with





A sprawling, dark green plant with airy structure between buds.

Variety: MF18SD19 (Jack Herer CBD x R4 x Afghani)
Analysis: CBD 6.63-14.38%, CBD:THC Ratio 27:1
2021 Analysis: 23.7% CBD
Aroma/Flavor Notes: conifer, citrus, cinnamon, pepper
Flowering Time: 7-9 weeks
Harvest Season: Mid September – Mid October
Intention: Reverie
Try Skipjack™ in a Reverie Hemp Single Pre-Roll or  for wholesale flower orders inquiry with




Stella Aurora™

A stocky plant bred with dark green, uniform, plentiful colas. Medium-sized flowers are well-stacked and very frosty.

Variety: MF18MS19 (Jack Herer CBD x Harley-Tsu x Afghani Black Domina)

Analysis: CBD 26.0% approximately
Aroma/Flavor Notes: sweet, sour cherry, floral, citrus
Flowering Time: 7-8 weeks
Harvest Season: Mid September to Early October
Intention: Clarity

Try Stella Aurora™ in a Clarity Hemp Pre-Roll or reach out to for wholesale flower orders.